Friday 9 March 2012

Good job people don't have MOTs

Because I'd fail!

I had my tooth out on Monday. It was very loose - one pull and it was out. It was the one next to the wisdom tooth that I had out a couple of years ago. The wisdom tooth was growing horizontally into this tooth and damaged it. It also meant that there wasn't much bone there which is why the tooth was loose. It seems to be healing well so that's good.

I also went to the doctors with a little list for her.

1. I needed my prescriptions renewing. Fine.

2. My hernia is still playing up even after physio. I have a referral for that.

3. Big Man thinks I might have sleep apnea. I have a referral for that too.

4. I have an ulcer on my tongue which isn't shifting. I've got steroids for that and a checkup in 2 weeks.

I'm a wreck! Bizarrely I feel pretty well really.

My two men have had man/boy flu this week and have not been well at all. They are both a lot better now though.

My lovely grandad in law isn't very well either - I hope he's on the mend very very soon x

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