Wednesday 2 May 2012

And bitey is born

We have a tooth!

I thought one must be emerging because Wee Man has spend the last few days with his tongue out. I found it tonight when I popped a bit of food in his mouth and he clamped down. Hard. It's quite sharp - you have been warned.

Poor thing has quite bad eczema at the moment and now a sore mouth. I'm not surprised he's a little tetchy.


  1. You know Amy got eczema from dairy. As he's weening you might want to try cutting dairy out for a few days to see if it makes a difference...
    Breastfeeding stopped in this house when she cut her first 2 teeth (they always came in pairs!) and decided biting and chewing me were fun!

  2. Ah yes, we were talking last night and the one big change over the last couple of weeks is formula during the day. We decided to not give formula today and then I'm home for four days. We'll monitor things and see if that improves it. Poor things, Eczema on a little one is so sad :-(

    Re teeth - indeed. No biting or chewing yet but that would definitely encourage weaning wouldn't it!
