Friday 13 April 2012

A night out - and lots of throwing up

We actually went out this evening - without the baby!

We met friends for a Chinese meal while grandma and grandad babysat. We had a lovely night...except Wee Man wasn't well.

He threw up when he was eating his tea, then again in the car on the way to the in-laws. He was handed over covered in sick. His lovely gran didn't bat an eye and told us to go and not worry. We went but did worry a bit. Only phoned them once though. They phoned us once too but that doesn't count, does it?

Picked him up about 9 and he was awake but happy, he hadn't been sick again. But when we got home he threw up in the hall - thankfully I was able to point him at the floor so not much cleaning up to do. Pukes 4-8 were in the bed though. Poor little thing. We have a mountain of washing to do and I smell of stale milk, but he's finally asleep and hasn't been sick for a good hour. I hope he feels better tomorrow.

Not sure when/if we're going to go out again!

Update: pukes #9 & #10 happened between 4 & 5am. Just got up (8am) and he seems ok so far.

Update 2: spoke too soon. We've had a mega runny poo and he threw up the water he had drunk. Poor little guy.


  1. Too many Easter Bunnies and Party Cakes ?

  2. I think it's a virus (he only had a celery stick at the party and the chocolate bunny was days ago). Poor thing has just sat on my lap wanting cuddles and snoozing all day. His temperature was 39 but came down with Some baby paracetamol. He's never been sick before - just the odd snotty nose :-(
